Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Kind Act for the Holiday Season

The Kindness Committee of the Fifth Grade Student Council is taking on TWO fundraisers this holiday season. The first -- a school-wide effort -- will kick off on Wednesday and supports the nonprofit organization, Cradles to Crayons. This organization provides much-needed support for poverty stricken Massachusetts children up to age 12. The organization accepts donations of new or nearly new clothing (including coats, boots, etc.); toys, games, and stuffed animals; and, school supplies (including backpacks). You can also send coins or dollar bills to contribute to the coin drive students have set up.
Please talk with your child about this fundraiser. It is a wonderful way to involve kids in giving to those in need.
I will also keep you informed about the Student Council's second fundraiser for People Helping People. This fundraiser is specific to fifth grade.
Thanks for your support.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Plimoth Plantation

What a wonderful day to go back in time!  Today we spent time in the Pilgrim and Wampanoag Villiages.  We got to explore inside a wetu, longhouse and traditional Pilgrim homes.  We heard stories of their way of life and asked questions about how they created their colony and survived so many challenges.  Here are a few pictures from our adventure! I will try to post more soon!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Smashing Success

Our first ever vocabulary parade was a smashing success.  We had bookworms, molecules and everything inbetween!  The students did an amazing job putting together clever, creative costumes to show off their new found vocabulary.  The whole school gathered  in the gym.  One by one the students got up, announced their word, and paraded around to show off their costume.  What fun!  Here are a few photos to enjoy!

Friday, October 16, 2015

First Ever Vocabulary Parade!

Hello 3rd Grade Families!

We are very excited to share that Fox Hill is hosting its first ever vocabulary parade.  This year we are placing a great focus on vocabulary, so we decided to join the excitement of Halloween with the challenge of new vocabulary.   On October 30th please send your child in with a homemade costume inspired by a selected vocabulary word.  Here is a link for a list of possible words for you and your student to choose 100 Word List  150 Juicy Vocab Words  70 Math and Science Vocab Words.  Once you choose your word have fun working together to create a homemade costume with materials around the house that help display the meaning of the word.  Also, please attach your vocabulary word and definition to your costume.  We will be parading around school showing off our creative costumes while learning new vocabulary in a fun way!

Make sure you come back and visit my blog to see some great pictures of our vocab inspired costumes!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Field Trip Information

The permission slip for our first field trip went home today.  We are heading to Plimoth Plantation on November 5th.  Please return the permission slips and payment as soon as possible, especially if you'd liked to be a chaperone.  We like to get the details worked out as soon as possible and a quick return helps us with that.

If you've never been to Plimoth Plantation before here is a link to their website so you can check it out at your convenience Plimoth Plantation.  Please make sure you help your child make weather appropriate choices with clothing and sneakers are a must, as we do a lot of walking.  In addition to this please pack a fully disposable lunch so valuable supplies are not left behind.

Some great questions to ask your kids at dinner are:

  • Why did the Pilgrims travel to the New World? 
  • Where did the Pilgrims plan to land in the New World?  Where did they actually land?  Where did they settle and build their colony?
  • What was their first winter like?  How many Pilgrims did not survive?
  • What were some of the challenges they faced when they arrived?

Happy chatting! 

Mrs. Lisano

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hello Third Grade Families,

     Welcome to room 2!  I am very excited for the 2015-2016 school year.  This is my first year with a blog and I'm feeling  excited to have another way to share what's going on in class.  Throughout the year I will be posting all the fun events going on in 3rd grade, including field trip information, pictures from our trips, project assignments, and topics to discuss at home to help support your child's learning.  

    So far we have had a fantastic start to the school year.  Your children have brought home their student planners - a fantastic tool to help teach responsibility.  Many of them are very excited to use this new tool.  Believe it or not they are asking for homework!  

    It has been such a pleasure getting to know your children during our morning meetings.  Morning meeting is a time that we gather together on the rug and greet each other, share something new about ourselves and end with a quick activity that reinforces a variety of skills in a fun way.  Today we greeted each other in French, shared "a little know fact about me" and then quickly took turns identifying an item in a category, which required close listening!  Using a morning meeting to start our day has created a wonderful sense of community in our classroom.

   We are also utilizing a positive reward system in class.  Your students are receiving tickets in class for demonstrating our four Be The One core values: respect, responsibility, kindness, and safety.  Focusing on and rewarding students for demonstrating these core values creates an environment where they feel safe to take risks and make mistakes, allowing for powerful learning to occur.  Please take a moment to ask your child about the ticket system, see if they can explain how our system works.  When they come home ask them if they got any tickets today and remember to ask them why.  This will help reinforce our values even more!  

  I look forward to sharing more with you soon!  

                                                                                                                         Mrs. Lisano